The fashionable Huawei G6600 for 18,000 roubles a month! Purchase and become the centre of mobile communication! | News | About company

The fashionable Huawei G6600 for 18,000 roubles a month! Purchase and become the centre of mobile communication!

velcom announces the beginning of sale of the phoneHuawei G6600by installments just for 18,000 roubles a month! When purchasing this multifunctional mobile phone at company’s sales and service centres by installments, new and current velcom subscribers* receive a chat bonus in the form of additional 50 SMS messages and 50 Mb of traffic monthly within a year for active mobile and on-line communication!

For those who cannot imagine their life without Facebook, Twitter or Vkontakte and whose day begins with reading of new e-mail letters, for whom phone calls are not less important than exchange of messages via ICQ or with the help of SMS messages, velcom presents Huawei G6600 with a stylish modern design at a reasonable price. When the phone is purchased by installments, its initial payment is 99,000 roubles only, monthly payments within a year make 18,000 Belarusian roubles.

The functional youth model will allow you to express yourself on-line to the full extent as it has everything one needs for this purpose: a comfortable QWERTY keyboard to quickly exchange messages, an embedded MP3 player, 2 mega pixels camera, support of flash cards of up to 16 Gb.

You create communication having Huawei G6600; you just need to choose the way: to chat with your friends, exchange SMS messages and the latest news. Additional chat bonus in the form of 50 charge-free SMS messages and 50 Mb of Internet traffic every month within a year will allow you to be the centre of mobile communication!

Detailed information on the special offer of Huawei G6600 by installments can be received on the special page of the site, when contacting round-the-clock reference and information service 411, as well as visiting company’ssales and service centres.

* with the exception of On-line, Internet 1, Internet 2, Internet 4, Internet 10, Night surfing, PRIVET subscribers.