More traffic and new options: A1 updates the Own Solution business line. | News | About company

More traffic and new options: A1 updates the Own Solution business line.

About Company / Business Customers

A1 is expanding the service sets available as part of the Own Solution customizable business offer. Now, even more features are available for the subscribers such as SMS, international calls and Internet traffic in roaming.


As previously, the offer preserves the main feature of the line, the ability to select the content of the set at the same price. However, now new subscribers of the Own Solution.Leader, Own Solution.Expert, Own Solution.Master and Own Solution.Beginner offers will get more free call minutes and more mobile Internet traffic.


Another change is the expansion of services included in the Own Solution. Leader and Own Solution. Expert offers. Now, in addition to voice calls and Internet traffic, the offers will include a certain number of SMS messages in the networks of Belarusian operators, free minutes for calls outside Belarus (to the CIS countries and Europe), as well as a certain amount of mobile Internet traffic in roaming for countries from the list at the link below. In view of the updates, it will be even easier to adapt the tariff configuration to each subscriber's needs, and the costs of corporate mobile communications will be still transparent.


To get more information about the Own Solution line or to find the best solution for your business, please follow the link to the relevant interactive page.


Due the update of the line, some public documents are amended:

  • Procedure for rendering services within the framework of the Own Solution line, effective as of June 4, 2024. To see the updated version of the document, click the link.
  • Procedure for rendering services within the framework of the Simple Solution comprehensive products, effective as of June 15, 2024. To see the updated version of the document, click the link.


The Own Solution line is available for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Details can be found on A1's official pages on social media, such as Facebook, Vkontakte, and Odnoklassniki, through an online chat on the website, as well as via the following single contact center number: 150.