Premiere month: in March CINEVOKA will release a number of Belarusian dubbed cult films | News | About company

Premiere month: in March CINEVOKA will release a number of Belarusian dubbed cult films


In March CINEVOKA, a project dedicated to dubbing of the best epic films into Belarusian language, presents a few novelties that will be released every Friday on VOKA.


Thanks to CINEVOKA the platform has already collected more than 50 Belarusian dubbed films and series and this exclusive collection is being constantly updated. Just in the last couple of weeks the video service has released a trilogy Hobbit (content for translation into the Belarusian language provided by partner and an oscar-based drama Rain Man as well as its first series Maryla. In search of Tricksters enriching the section with the original content.


In March there will be five premiers released on the platform. Video service audience will be able to watch popular action of the 1980’s RoboCop about a cyborg, sports drama Rocky with Sylvester Stallone, criminal action Ronin with Robert de Niro, legendary thriller The Silence of the Lambs with Anthony Hopkins and the adventure fiction Stargate about travel to other worlds dubbed in Belarusian.


In order not to miss any of these premieres, follow the updates in the special section CINEVOKA – Films in Belarusian, that offers a wide selection from Hollywood blockbusters to anime classics. The content for this section is created specifically for VOKA and is available on the platform only.