49 000 tons less CO² in the atmosphere – A1 solar park celebrates it’s 5th anniversary | News | About company

49 000 tons less CO² in the atmosphere – A1 solar park celebrates it’s 5th anniversary

5 years ago A1 opened a solar park in Bragin rayon. For the time of it’s operation electro station generated 129 360 452 kW hr of absolutely green energy. That way the volume of potential carbon dioxide emission reduced by 49 000 tons. According to ESG principles carbon neutrality is one of the main goals within A1 corporate governance policy.

In 2016 A1 opened it’s own solar power station that occupies 41 hectare of land and has 18.48 MW rated capacity that used to be record-breaking for solar parks in Belarus at that time. There were 730km of cables laid and 4.5 km of high voltage power transmission lines with 22 pylons and transformer built to connect solar park with electric substation Bragin.


Throughout 5 years solar park that occupies the territory of 60 football fields generated 129 360 452 kW hr of absolutely ‘green’ energy. 85 000 solar batteries operate 24/7 even in the most cloudy weather.

As a result of five years operations the park managed to reduce emission of carbon dioxide by 49 000 tons. The power station contributed to carbon neutrality, one of the main goals in A1 corporate governance. For a comparison, one Embraer 175 flying from Minsk to Moscow emits 11.1 tons СО²* . Thus, generation of carbon dioxide optimized by A1 solar park would require 4 414 flights!


“We as a socially responsible brand aim not only at application of ESG principles in our activity but also at demonstration of technologic and at the same time ecologic solutions for development of sustainability in our daily life. Through it’s five years operation A1 solar park vividly proves that choice of ‘green’ technologies is justified from the point of view of care for nature and from business perspective too”, - commented Nikolai Bredelev, head of A1 PR and ESG.


Environmentally friendly solutions are applied for control over ‘green’ energy production process. Unmanned drone aOrion via 5G SA network assessed the state of the batteries through collection of infrared images of the panels for further processing and analysis simultaneously broadcasting it in HD resolution.

In it’s operations A1 sustainably develops a responsible approach to ecologic issues and care of the future ahead. Approval of corporate eco policy for 2021-2025 became an important step in this direction. This is a document that outlines major principles and obligations in the area of environmental protection and ecologic safety. A1 supports ideas of sustainable development in other areas of it’s activity including social and inclusive projects.

* According to CO2 emissions online calculator designed by IСAO