On the Procedure for Compensation to A1 Subscribers (Individuals) Due to Non-Availability of Internet Services | News | About company

On the Procedure for Compensation to A1 Subscribers (Individuals) Due to Non-Availability of Internet Services

Due to the difficulties with access to some services via mobile or fixed-line Internet due to reasons beyond control of A1, the company management has decided to correct subscription fees for mobile communication subscribers, as well as fixed-line Internet and TV users (legal entities) for three days from August 9 to 11, inclusive, in accordance with the following algorithm:


1) Mobile communication subscribers who use the tariffs the subscription fee for which includes an Internet traffic package along with voice services will be provided with compensation:

  • for the tariff plans with 500 MB to 9 GB of Internet traffic – in the amount of 30 % of the daily subscription fee for each day of service non-availability;
  • for the tariff plans with more than 10 GB of Internet traffic – in the amount of 50 % of the daily subscription fee for each day of service non-availability;
  • mobile communication subscribers who use the tariffs/paid Internet traffic packages, including roaming services, the subscription fee/package cost for which includes Internet traffic only, regardless of volume or rate, will be provided with a compensation of 100 % of the daily subscription fee/package cost.


No corrections will be made for subscription fees for the tariff plans which do not include a data coverage service or provide less than 500 MB of Internet traffic.


2) Fixed-line Internet and VOKA users, as well as A1 Data Processing Center clients will be provided with compensation:

  • for fixed-line Internet clients, as well as A1 Data Processing Center clients to ensure access to/performance of corporate resources – in the amount of 100 % of the daily subscription fee for each day of service non-availability;
  • for fixed-line Internet tariff plans the subscription fee for which includes VOKA – in the amount of 50 % of the daily subscription fee for each day of service non-availability.


The corrections of the subscription fees will be made automatically and considered in the payment in August. 


Thank you for your understanding!