On changes in the cost of international communications and IP telephony services | News | About company

On changes in the cost of international communications and IP telephony services

Private Customers / Business Customers

A1, a provider of telecommunications, ICT, and content services, hereby informs on the changes in the cost of certain international communications and IP telephony services for A1's customers, both individuals and legal entities.


Thus, from May 10, 2024:

  • the cost of international mobile calls, as well as international call packages tariffs for subscribers, both individuals and legal entities, will increase;
  • the cost of international calls, as well as outgoing calls to landline numbers, to other mobile operators and dedicated numbers for customers as legal entities and users of IP telephony services will increase.


Please follow the link for more information on the new prices for individuals, the link for legal entities and the link for users of IP telephony services.


You can also find out about the changes through an online chat at www.A1.by or by calling the single contact center phone number 150.