On the change in the terms of provision of telecommunication services by A1 on tariff plans for legal entities | News | About company

On the change in the terms of provision of telecommunication services by A1 on tariff plans for legal entities

A1, a provider of telecommunications, ICT and content services, informs about the change in the cost of mobile communication services for legal entities from August 12, 2024.


Thus, from the said date, the amount of subscription fees for tariff plans for legal entities, outgoing calls to numbers of subscribers of the Republic of Belarus, Internet traffic exceeding that included in the subscription fee, and SMS will increase. The change in cost will also affect additional mobile Internet packages, minutes, SMS and other additional services.


You can find the new prices at the link.


You can also find out about the changes through an online chat at www.A1.by or by calling the single contact center phone number 150.