Sport of the future: selection for international competitions in computer and classical sports will be held in Minsk sponsored by A1 and BACS | News | About company

Sport of the future: selection for international competitions in computer and classical sports will be held in Minsk sponsored by A1 and BACS

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Belarus will host qualifying stages for participation in the "Games of the Future", competitions in a new format called figital, which combine computer and classical sports. The best teams will go to the final stage of the tournament in 2024 to represent the country internationally.


The qualifying stage of the competition will be held with the support of A1, Belarusian Association of Computer Sports, Belarusian Federation of Pankration and Mixed Martial Arts and Presidential Sport Club.


The first competitions will be held on September 23. Based on the results of qualifying stages, the national team will be assembled and will go to represent Belarus at the "Games of the Future" in Kazan.


"Participation in such a large-scale international tournament is an event both for each individual athlete who gets there, and for the entire Belarusian esports industry. This is an important step in the development of this sphere in our country," said Anton Bladik, Deputy General Director for Digital Platforms and Content of A1, Deputy Chairman of the Belarusian Association of Computer Sports. – Special attention should be paid to the uniqueness of the format of digital games, thanks to which professional gamers, both young and more mature, will be more involved in classical sports and vice versa. Such an approach to competitions will draw the attention of spectators and players to the need for comprehensive development of athletes: equally physical training and improvement of specialized gaming skills."


Everyone can join the first event on September 23 at 13:00 at: 20 Pobediteley Ave., city of Minsk. Entry is free.