Prepaid tariff plans accepting even the online payments: "SIM-to-go" expands the options of A1 subscription | News | About company

Prepaid tariff plans accepting even the online payments: "SIM-to-go" expands the options of A1 subscription

Private Customers / About Company

A1 expands its options for individuals to subscribe to the network independently: from July 11, 2023, the "SIM-to-go" bundle with a pre-paid tariff will be available both in company outlets and in the official virtual store.


"SIM-to-go" offers individuals the following tariff plans with prepaid bundles for 30 days: "Bez pereplat", "Drive 5", "Drive 20" and "No Limits 2.0". Their key advantage lies in the incapability of acquiring a negative balance.


You can get the "SIM-to-go" bundle with a prepaid tariff plan in A1 stores or order it in the virtual store free of charge. You don't need any ID to pick up your "SIM-to-go". The bundle can be activated within a year from the date of its reception.


For more information on the subscription and number transfer procedures performed in the My A1 application, click the link.


In view of the addition of new options for independent subscription, a number of modifications introduced in some documents will come into effect on July 11, 2023. To browse through the updated versions of the documents, click the links below:


You can get more details on the official pages of A1 in the social networks Facebook, Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki, via online chat on, as well as by calling the unified contact center phone number 150.