Detailed information
Implementation of a set of measures for the design and creation of an information security system for a critically important informatization object (CIIO) in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated No. 196 16.04.2013 (as amended by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 449 dated 09.12.2019) and the Regulation on the procedure for technical and cryptographic protection of information processed at critically important informatization objects, approved by the Order of the Operative and Analytical Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 66 dated 20.02.2020.
Algorithm of work:
- Inventory of CIIO assets.
- Identification of threats and assessment of information security risks.
- Development of a risk treatment plan.
- Development (adjustment) of the CIIO IS policy.
- Development (adjustment) of measures to protect CIIO information.
- Development of a CIIO restoration plan.
- Demonstration (confirmation) of the compliance of the CIIO information security system with the requirements of the legislation (Order of the OAC No. 66 dated 20.02.2020).
The result of the work will be an implemented, functioning and successfully audited CIIO information security system. The set of documents developed in the course of work (can be changed by agreement with the customer):
- CIIO survey report
- CIIO asset register
- CIIO diagrams (layout diagram, structural diagram, logical diagram, administration diagram)
- CIIO form
- Register (catalog) of threats to CIIO
- Risk assessment methodology
- Risk assessment report
- Risk treatment plan
- Information security policy
- Report on the results of the compliance of the CIIO IS system with the requirements of the legislation (Order of the OAC No. 66)
Terms of work performance: 3 to 6 months. The terms depend on the number and composition of the CIIO.
Benefits for business
Compliance with legal requirements
Competent personnel
We regularly train and check our specialists
Certified management system
OAC license
А1 was the first in the Republic of Belarus to receive a license to audit the CIIO information security system
Practical experience
А1 is the CIIO owner and has experience in ensuring information security of such objects
Prices for goods and services are indicated in Belarusian rubles including VAT.