For buzzers and alphas: discounts when connecting to lemon Y and lemon X! | Deals | Telco, ICT and content provider A1

For buzzers and alphas: discounts when connecting to lemon Y and lemon X!

Promo description

A1 lemon includes three tariff plans created for young people who can't imagine themselves without smartphones, the Internet, and social networks.


Lemon subscribers, depending on the selected tariff option, can unlimitedly use social networks and messengers, unlimited on-net calls, and, of course, the Internet with a reduced subscription fee. The additional packages offered to the lemon tariff plans allow forming a personal plan, flexibly customizable to your personal preferences in a given period of time.


This promotion is offered to new users under 26 years old and is valid on the lemon Y and lemon X tariff plans. Depending on the choice, the subscription fee for the first 3 months for both options will be only 7.90 and 9.90 rubles per month, respectively.



lemon Z

lemon Y

lemon X

Tariff includes

  • 1 GB of Internet with accumulation
  • Unlimited minutes within the network
  • Unlimited Internet for instant messengers
  • VOKA - popular cartoons and serials for children
  • 8 GB of Internet with accumulation
  • Unlimited minutes within the network
  • 50 minutes outside the network
  • Unlimited Internet for social networks
  • Unlimited Internet for instant messengers
  • VOKA - more than 20,000 films and series
  • 20 GB of Internet with accumulation
  • Unlimited minutes within the network
  • 100 minutes outside the network
  • Unlimited Internet for social networks
  • Unlimited Internet for instant messengers
  • Unlimited Internet for music
  • Unlimited Internet from 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.
  • VOKA - more than 20,000 films and series

Subscription fee first 3 months, rub.




Subscription fee from 4 to 6 months, rub.




Subscription fee for those who are <26 years old, rub.





Details can be found on A1's official pages on social media, such as Facebook, Vkontakte, and Odnoklassniki, through an online chat on the website, as well as via the following single contact center number: 150.

Tariff plans



lemon X

  • 20 GB of internet with storage
  • Unlimited on-net minutes
  • 100 minutes to other networks
  • Unlimited social networks, messengers and music
  • Night unlimited
VOKA package "Films and serials"
9,90 BYN/month subscription fee for the first 3 months
14,90 BYN/month subscription fee from 4 to 6 months
19,37 BYN/month subscription fee after the end of the promotion for those <26 years old
30.46 BYN/month subscription fee after the end of the promotion for those ≥ 26 years old


lemon Y

  • 8 GB of internet with storage
  • Unlimited on-net minutes
  • 50 minutes to other networks
  • Unlimited social networks and messengers
VOKA package "Films and serials"
7,90 BYN/month subscription fee for the first 3 months
11,90 BYN/month subscription fee from 4 to 6 months
16,11 BYN/month subscription fee after the end of the promotion for those <26 years old
22,81 BYN/month subscription fee after the end of the promotion for those ≥ 26 years old


lemon Z

  • 1 GB of internet with storage
  • Unlimited on-net minutes
  • Unlimited messengers
VOKA package "For children"
9,68 BYN/month subscription fee after the end of the promotion for those <26 years old
14,74 BYN/month subscription fee after the end of the promotion for those ≥ 26 years old