Meet the novelty in A1: ASUS TUF Gaming F15 16/512GB gaming laptop with a discount of up to 600 rubles | Deals | Telco, ICT and content provider A1

Meet the novelty in A1: ASUS TUF Gaming F15 16/512GB gaming laptop with a discount of up to 600 rubles

Promo description

Sales of the new gaming laptop ASUS TUF Gaming F15 16/512GB have started in A1 at a nice price – with a discount of up to 200 rubles for a single payment. However, if you buy it in installments of up to 24 months, the savings will reach 600 rubles.


ASUS TUF Gaming F15 16/512GB is a laptop with a reliable gaming platform, the configuration of which includes an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 video card for smooth picture with a refresh rate of up to 144 Hz and a powerful Intel Core i5-11400H processor for fast performance of various tasks. For a full immersion in the gaming process, the device is equipped with a modern audio system, which will give not only quality sound, but also the ability to adjust to games, movies and music of different genres.


The novelty can be purchased for 3,499 rubles in one payment or in installments of up to 24 months with a monthly payment from 165.79 rubles.


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