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Information / Private customers

Подключение нового номера с eSIM в Мой А1
Description   Now you can connect or transfer a new number in the My A1 application and immediately install an eSIM on your smartphone, without going to the office!   Tariffs available for connecting immediately with eSIM: Drive Start Drive Active Drive Unlim GIGA   You can download the application for Android OS in Google Play Market, in Huawei APP gallery for new Huawei phone models. iOS OS - in the App Store.  

Information / About us

A1 subscribers have the opportunity to donate funds to a number of Belarusian charity organizations. Transfer of funds in favor of the beneficiary is carried out without charging an additional payment on the part of the company.   Methods to donate in A1: Good section in the A1 banking application (using bank card funds, as well as the balance of the subscriber's number-login in the A1 banking application); sending an SMS to a short number; sending an USSD request.

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Social Responsibility

Information / About us

Fraud protection
Dear subscribers! Be vigilant, cases of illegal actions against the holders of bank payment cards have become more frequent. Fraudsters introduce themselves as bank employees and report attempts to commit suspicious transactions, offer to confirm their legitimacy.   Please note that bank employees do not make phone calls to customers, including using the Viber application. When you receive such calls, do not give anyone confidential information (number, card expiration date, CVV / CVC code, SMS codes received from the bank) and stop talking.

Information / About us

Management Team

Information / Private customers

Оборудование для создания домашней беспроводной сети
Оборудование для создания домашней беспроводной сети   в рамках комплексного продукта МЕГА Прайм или предложения Интернет для дома     Роутер Huawei B535-232a 2-диапазонный гигабитный Wi-Fi роутер c поддержкой LTE Cat7 13,28 руб./мес. в рассрочку на 24 мес Перейти к покупке Роутер TP-Link AC1200 2-диапазонный гигабитный Wi-Fi роутер с поддержкой 4G+ Cat6 14,50 руб./мес. в рассрочку на 24 мес Перейти к покупке

Information / About us

#оставайсяонлайн с А1
#оставайсяонлайн с А1

Information / About us

Просто подключить лучшее
Преимущества мобильной связи A1

Information / Private customers

Description   The "SIM-to-go" set allows you to connect or transfer a number to the A1 network without going to the A1 store using the My A1 application.   The kit includes: a SIM card; an instruction; prepayment for communication services (credited automatically after successful activation).   Cost: 5 BYN   You can download the application for Android OS in the Google Play Market, for iOS OS in the App Store.

Information / Private customers

Двухдиапазонные (Dual-Band) Wi-Fi роутеры для домашнего интернета
Преимущества нового маршрутизатора

Information / Business customers

Installment Plan
абонентам A1 – физическим лицам – гражданам Республики Беларусь, иностранным гражданам и лицам без гражданства, имеющим вид на жительство на территории Республики Беларусь (кроме абонентов ПРИВЕТ) абонентам A1 – юридическим лицам, ЧУП или индивидуальным предпринимателям