Unlimited Internet package | Mobile internet and Packages | Services | Telco, ICT and content provider A1

Unlimited Internet package

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Package with no limit for YouTube

  • Unlimited  for Youtube

Unlimited internet for using YouTube, YouTube Music

0,00 BYN activation charge
6,04 BYN/month regular payment
The subscription fee is written off in a lump sum in full. The package is extended on the 1st day of each month.

Unlimited Internet up to 1 Mbps

  • Unlimited  Internet

For tariffs Drive Start, Drive Active, Drive 5, Drive 20, Comfort S, Comfort M, Comfort L, Comfort XL, lemon X, lemon Y, Comfort, Comfort 2, Comfort+, Comfort 4, Convenient, Summer is calling, Starter, Start, Victory, Simple, Caring, Children's

0,00 BYN activation charge
12,99 BYN/month regular payment
The subscription fee is written off in a lump sum in full. The package is extended on the 1st day of each month.

Unlimited Internet up to 512 Kbps

  • Unlimited  Internet

For tariffs Drive Start, Drive Active, Simple, Drive 5, Drive 20, Start, Comfort S, lemon Z, Summer is calling, Convenient, Comfort, Comfort+, Starter, Comfort M, Comfort L, Comfort XL, Comfort 2, Comfort 4, Pobeda, Caring, Children's

0,00 BYN activation charge
8,99 BYN/month regular payment
The subscription fee is written off in a lump sum in full. The package is extended on the 1st day of each month.


  • Unlimited  Internet

Unlimited internet without speed limit. Valid from the moment of connection until 23:59:59 on the same day

1,99 BYN activation charge
0,00 BYN/d regular payment
The subscription fee is debited in a lump sum in full. The package is not renewed automatically.

Unlimited Internet up to 2 Mbps

  • Unlimited  Internet

For tariffs Drive Start, Drive Active, Drive 5, Drive 20, Comfort M, Comfort L, Comfort XL, lemon X, Comfort 2, Comfort4, Comfort, Comfort +, Comfort S, Good, Summer is calling, Starter, Start, Victory, Simple, Caring, Children's

0,00 BYN activation charge
13,99 BYN/month regular payment
The subscription fee is written off in a lump sum in full. The package is extended on the 1st day of each month.

Internet unlimited

  • Unlimited  internet traffic
For the tariff "No Limit"
The service is unavailable for the plan.

Безлимит интернета (#ВсёвДом Анлим)

  • Unlimited  интернета
For mobile tariff MEGA Max
The service is unavailable for the plan.

Unlimited Internet up to 4 Mbps

  • Unlimited  Internet

For lemon X tariff

The service is unavailable for the plan.

Detailed information

The packages will grant unlimited Internet traffic.

Unlimited messenger package is included in the subscription fee of "Comfort S", "Comfort M", "Comfort L", "Comfort XL", "lemon Z", "lemon Y", "lemon X" tariffs, unlimited social network package, in the subscription fee of "Comfort M", "Comfort L", "Comfort XL", "lemon Y", "lemon X" tariffs.

In August 2020, the Telegram service introduced new anti-censorship tools for users in Belarus, which make it difficult for service providers to recognize some Internet traffic. For A1 subscribers, this means that when using the "Unlimited for messengers" service, it is currently possible to spend the basic Internet traffic included in the tariff plan or an additional package. It is expected that when the restrictions are lifted by the Telegram service, correct traffic recognition will be restored.

In order to avoid additional expenses on Internet traffic with billing by megabyte, once the basic traffic has been consumed, A1 recommends activating the "Unlimited Internet up to 512 Kbps" package (or similar packages at the speed of 1 or 2 Mbps).

" Unlimited for music", "Unlimited for YouTube", "Unlimited for social networks", "Unlimited for messengers" package traffic is not consumed:

  • when downloading or updating applications from Google Play, App Store or Windows Store
  • when accessing third-party resources
  • when watching video or listening to audio from third-party resources
  • when using websites through proxy browsers: Opera Mini, Internet Explorer Mobile, UCWeb Browser, etc., as well as with the proxy settings in your phone or browser
  • when using VPN
  • when using websites on Blackberry smartphones
  • when directly exchanging data between company subscribers, using the call functionality in VKontakte
  • some resources of applications downloaded from third-party servers (e.g., live video, maps on Instagram)
  • video calls through messengers/streaming and social networks are not recognized

In case of troubles affecting the recognition of Internet traffic, access to resources can be made with the consumption of traffic included in the subscription fee of the tariff plan, as well as traffic of packages "500 MB", "1 GB", "3 GB", "Turbo button", "Unlimited Internet up to 512 Kbps", "Unlimited Internet up to Mbps", "Unlimited Internet up to 2 Mbps" if they are available.

It is possible to buy the "Turbo button" package, both during the use of the included traffic of the tariff plan, and after its consumption. Service provision period is from the moment of activation to 23:59:59 of the same day. The service cannot be deactivated:

  • When changing the tariff plan within the range of tariff plans "Comfort", "Comfort+ for business", tariff plans "Comfort+", "Comfort S", "Comfort M", "Comfort L", "Comfort XL", “Light for business", "Comfortable", "Summer is calling";
  • When using the "Turbo Button" package and the "Pause" service at the same time. If the service is connected and the subscriber status is other than "active", after restoration of the service, billing of the mobile Internet will be carried out at the cost of the tariff plan. The "Turbo Button" package will be available on the next day.

The included traffic is not consumed while roaming. Payment in roaming for Internet traffic is subject to roaming tariffs.

Packages provided to the company's clients - individuals and legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs.