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What's New

Detailed information

You can get the latest news, most popular music, best Java-games.

The service is enabled automatically after SIM activation. After you end a phone call or send a text, a A1 offer appers on the screen. The message contains details on the service, prices and an offer to subscribe. The messages are free. To get more information or to subscribe, press OK. In response you will receive a message with extra information on the topic or a link. After the subscription customers receive a message with information about the activation, cost and ways to deactivate the service. 10 last messages are stored in the service, without taking up the incoming SMS box. You can view the messages in phone menu (SIM menu - What's new - Archive). You can operate the service through the phone menu (SIM menu - What's new - Settings).

The service available for SIM owners with installed app.

How to activate

For private customers:

  • via USSD *404*3*4#call key;
  • in phone menu (except for iOS);
  • call to A1 inquiry line;
  • in A1 centers or in dealer sales points.

For business customers:

  • via USSD 404*3*4#call key;
  • in phone menu.

How to deactivate
To deactivate cancel all active subscriptions first. For private customers:

  • via USSD *404*3*5#call key;
  • in phone menu (except for iOS);
  • contact the Online Consultant. On any page of the My A1 application, click the icon with a question mark - select Contact a company - click the Online Consultant button.

For business customers:

  • via USSD *404*3*5#call key;
  • in phone menu.

How to unsubscribe
For private customers:

  • in the My A1 application
  • in the Personal Account
  • via USSD *404*2#call key;
  • send an text with the word STOP to 4050 (this command will cancel all subscriptions, see a list of commands for separate subscriptions);
  • contact the Online Consultant. On any page of the My A1 application, click the icon with a question mark - select Contact a company - click the Online Consultant button.

For business customers:

  • via USSD *404*2#call key;
  • send an text with the word STOP to 4050 (this command will cancel all subscriptions, see a list of commands for separate subscriptions).


For A1 subscribers
For A1 subscribersSMS text to the number 4050
Celebrity life newsstop 51
World newsstop 320
News of the daystop 310
Disasters of the centurystop 340
This day in historystop 330
Cinema newsstop 410
Announcements in Belarusstop 360
Good newsstop 450
High-tech newsstop 400
Positive sciencestop 430
Classy galstop 440
Their moralsstop 380
Best cuisines of the worldstop 390
Woman: instructions forstop 370
Crimes of the centurystop 460
Music video cataloguestop 600
Melomaniastop 700
Women’s tipsstop 11
Meow-newsstop 211
History of thingsstop 231
Kindergartenstop 201
Be positivestop 221
Folk wisdomstop 241
Man: instructions forstop 161
Star life newsstop 350
Celebrities' Lifestop 960
History of Discoveriesstop 980
Men Psychologystop 990
You and your Babies!stop 1030
Positive Newsstop 1050
Trends and Brandsstop 1110
Mustache and Stripey (Usatiy-Polosatiy)stop 1130
What does a woman want?stop 1140
The latest moviesstop 1150
Celebrity life newsstop 350
Hello everyonestop 900
Events in Belarusstop 910
Tasty, but not healthystop 930
Cooking for every tastestop 940
Lady stuffstop 950
Hunter and fisherman notesstop 970
Not bad newsstop 1000
News from musiciansstop 1010
From ancestors to kidsstop 1020
Wandering abroadstop 1040
About sportsstop 1060
Proper nutrition won't eat up your salarystop 1070
Crime and punishmentstop 1080
Recruiter's psychologystop 1090
Traffic rulesstop pdd
Chinese easylangstop lang
Englishstop eng
Spanishstop esp
Germanstop deu
Frenchstop fre
Fitnessstop fitnes
Indulge in bunsstop 1420
Cup of cheerfulnessstop 1430
With beardstop 1440
Cosmetologystop 1450
Barberstop 1460
Tailorstop 1470
Home renovationstop 1480
Dog handlerstop 1490
To pedalstop 1500
Flowerbedstop 1510
Papa Carlo Secretsstop 1520
Archeologystop 1530
Music school (music history)stop 1540
Relaxstop 1550
Tattoo artstop 1560
Motherlandstop 1570
Sports analyticsstop 1580
Only mountains can be better than mountainsstop 1590
Where to studystop 1600
Marathonstop 1610
Downshiftingstop 1620
Import substitutionstop 1630
Photographystop 1640
Jewelerstop 1650
Edible floristrystop 1660
Secrets of a happy motherstop 1670
Funny phobiasstop 1690
Soap makingstop 1700
Fight clubstop 1710
Be your own designerstop 1720
For prepaid tariffs subscribers
Subscription nameSMS text to the number 4050
Women’s tipsstop 10
News of the daystop 20
World newsstop 30
Popular music newsstop 40
Star life newsstop 50
Cinema newsstop 60
Announcements in Belarusstop 70
Good newsstop 80
High-tech newsstop 90
Positive sciencestop 100
Classy galstop 110
Their moralsstop 120
Best cuisines of the worldstop 130
Woman: instructions forstop 140
Crimes of the centurystop 150
Man: instructions for stop 160
In the world of the unknownstop 170
This day in historystop 180 
Disasters of the centurystop 190
Kindergartenstop 200
Meow-newsstop 210
Be positivestop 220
History of thingsstop 230
Folk wisdomstop 240
Celebrities' Lifestop 1220
History of Discoveriesstop 1240
Men Psychologystop 1250
You and your Babies!stop 1290
Positive Newsstop 1310
Trends and Brandsstop 1370
Mustache and Stripey (Usatiy-Polosatiy)stop 1390
What does a woman want?stop 1400
The latest moviesstop 1410
Celebrity life newsstop 350
Hello everyonestop 1160
Events in Belarusstop 1170
Tasty, but not healthystop 1190
Cooking for every tastestop 1200
Lady stuffstop 1210
Hunter and fisherman notesstop 1230
Not bad newsstop 1260
News from musiciansstop 1270
From ancestors to kidsstop 1280
Wandering abroadstop 1300
About sportsstop 1320
Proper nutrition won't eat up your salarystop 1330
Crime and punishmentstop 1340
Recruiter's psychologystop 1350
Technoparkstop 1360
Learn the future from the starsstop 1380