Vmeste Dating Service | Entertainment and media | Services | Telco, ICT and content provider A1

Vmeste Dating Service


  • Find friends while staying at home
  • Find a partner to discuss common topics
  • Unwelcome persons can be blocked
  • Unlimited communication


The service is available:
  • for smartphone, PC and tablet users via lovedating.by;
  • for ordinary button phones, via sms to the short number 1520.


For the full use of the service, registration is required.


The service is available to all A1 customers.

How to activate

  • go to lovedating.by;
  • installing the application on a smartphone with Android OS from Google Play;
  • by dialing the USSD command *152# call key (when sending the USSD command, users are granted access to the sms-version of the service);
  • when making an erroneous call (the sms-version of the service is activated at the user's choice). When dialing a non-existent phone number with 3 or more digits of the number + call button, a media message is played with an offer to activate a subscription to the service. Subscription to the service is activated by pressing the digit or digits that are announced in the media message. Calling to the wrong number and listening to the media message with the offer is provided without charging;
  • through "What's New" announcements, which contain information about subsequent paid content ordering and its cost or an offer to subscribe. What's New" announcements are free of charge. In order to subscribe, you should press OK. When subscribing to the service, the user is sent an SMS informing about the subscription activation, its cost and the method of deactivation.


To get access to Vmeste service:

  • confirm that you've read the User Agreement;
  • to register from a smartphone, PC or tablet using the link, for a button phone in the reply sms to the short number 1520.

When registering, a subscriber's profile is created to participate in the search and to be displayed to other subscribers. Adding your photo when registering (for the app and on https://vmeste.a1.by) is mandatory, as only subscribers who have added a photo to their profile will be displayed in the search.


Mandatory fields are:

  • Name. Requirements and features:
    • the name should be in Cyrillic characters;
    • from 3 to 15 characters long;
    • should not contain indescent, obscene words.
  • Gender.
  • Date of Birth.
  • City. Input manually or select from a list.
  • Photo (for smartphone, PC, tablet users). Requirements and features:
    • a photo can be uploaded from a computer, or a phone or you can make a photo from a phone;
    • by default the photo you upload upon registration will participate in the search and get Likes from other users;
    • photos with several people or a picture not showing user's face, a photo of a public person (not belonging to the user) - will be excluded from the search;
    • the photo size should not exceed 10 MB.


How to use the sms version


When sending the USSD-command *152#, users are granted access to the sms-version of the "Vmeste!" service.

After activation of the service, you will receive instructions on how to register in the service in a reply sms from the number 1520.

To register it is enough to send a single sms-message to the number 1520 with basic data about yourself: your gender, name, date of birth, city. For example: m Vova 12.11.2001 Minsk.

After registration, to quickly search for interlocutors, it is necessary to send the SEARCH command, and the service will select users of the opposite sex suitable for communication.

To communicate with the selected interlocutor, it is necessary to send to the number 1520 the NAME of the interlocutor: message text. For example: Svets: hello, how are you?

When communicating, the subscriber phone number of the user of the "Vmeste!" service is not displayed. All communication is anonymous, using sms number 1520.

To get the full list of commands of the service, it is necessary to send the INFO command to the number 1520.




%sex% %name% %date of birth% %city%

Registration request


Select actions on your profile


Search for interlocutors

SEARCH %search parameters%

Search by specified parameters, for example:
SEARCH f Minsk – search for all girls, users of "Vmeste!" from Minsk


View profile %name%


View Ignore list


Add subscriber %name% to Ignore list


Remove user %name% from Ignore list


View 5 last interlocutors


List of service commands


Command to deactivate the service (subscription)


Control commands, used for selecting actions, transitions, specifying options


How to deactivate

You can delete your profile:

  • go to http://vmeste.a1.by from a mobile device, select "Delete profile" in the settings and confirm deletion;
  • send a text to 1520 (with STOP or СТОП);
  • via USSD *152*2# call key.
To delete a profile in the mobile version, it is necessary to select the item "Delete profile" in the "Settings" section of the service and confirm deletion. When deleting a profile, all photos, all information and settings (messages, blocked users, etc.) are automatically deleted. If it is impossible to delete a profile by yourself or your phone number has changed, you can delete your profile by filling out the feedback form in the "Help" section of the mobile portal https://vmeste.a1.by. To identify yourself, you will need to specify your name, e-mail or phone number, and fill in the "message text" field.


First 3 days of Subscription to Vmeste service after the first login are free. Further subscription cost is 0,60 BYN/day.
USSD requests *152# and SMS to 1520 are not rated in A1 coverage area.